Sub Camp Leaders

When: Sat, August 02, 2025 12:00 am – Sat, August 09, 2025 12:00 am Where: West Sussex International Jamboreee Contact: Camp Chiefs Contact Email: [email protected] Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited

Subcamps are at the heart of the jamboree, they are the participants home for the duration of the camp.

Would you like to be part of make a wonderful experience and lasting memories for our young members?
Are you bubbly, full of ideas, up for fun?
Then the sub camp leader role is for you!

Purpose of the Role

A Subcamp Leader at WSIJ is a key role. Each sub camp has two sub camp leaders (preferably one from Scouting and one from Guiding) who manage a small sub camp team of 6 to 8 persons The role holders have the responsibility for leading and supporting units in the sub camp made up of approximately 400 West Sussex, UK and Overseas Scouts and Guides and their leaders.

Responsible to: Sub Camp Coordinator

Outline of the Role

  • Be the first point of contact for the leaders in your sub camp
  • Be available for the whole event and day before and day after.
  • Attend sub camp meetings prior to and during camp with the sub camp co-ordinator. (prior to camp mostly Teams with at least one face to face.)
  • Appoint sub camp team.
  • Produce rotas for the sub camp team.
  • Have knowledge and understanding of activity sessions and daily programme.
  • Provide alternative evening program for those not wishing to participate in the main event.
  • Arrange for a sub camp gateway – ensure a RA is in place – pass a copy to sub camp co-ordinator.
  • Organise sub camp ‘HQ’ and ensure a constant daytime presence by a team member.
  • Plan and provide on-site sub camp activities on non-activity days.
  • Produce RA for sub camp activities, pass a copy to sub camp co-ordinator.
  • Keep track of expenses and pass receipts to sub camp co-ordinator who will maintain the sub camp budget.
  • Promote and maintain the camp rules and the spirt of the camp.

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