
Here you can find out about WSIJ25 event pricing and a timeline of payment schedules for participants, leaders, family members and more.



Price for all participants and Young Leaders (under 18). Includes camping and all activities. Please note, food & transport are not included.



Includes camping and amenities. Please note, food & transport are not included.



Includes camping and amenities. Additional catering package TBC.

Leaders Child (3yrs+)


Includes camping and amenities. Please note, food, transport & activities are not included.

Leaders Child (under 3yrs)


Includes camping and amenities. Please note, food, transport & activities are not included.

Leaders Day Rate


Adult visitors to your unit. Includes camping (single night) and amenities. Please note, food & transport are not included.

Payment Schedule

Details and dates of our payment schedule.

Participants £100
Adults £25

Participants £100
Adults £25

Participants £50
Adults £20